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More Home Essentials Resources:
 | Catalog merchantA catalog merchant (catalogue merchant in British and Canadian English) is a form of retailing. The typical merchant sells a wide variety of household and personal products, with many emphasizing jewelry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalog_merchant |
 | Catalogue d'oiseauxCatalogue d'oiseaux ("Catalogue of birds") is a work for piano solo composed of thirteen pieces, written between October 1956 and September 1958 and devoted to birds and his second wife Yvonne Loriod. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalogue_d%27oiseaux |
 | Catalogue of ShipsThe Catalogue of Ships (Ancient Greek: neon katalogos, neon katalogos) is an epic catalogue in Book 2 of Homer's Iliad (2.494-759), which lists the contingents of the Achaean army that sailed to Troy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalogue_of_Ships |
 | Catalogue of LifeThe Catalogue of Life, started in June 2001 by Species 2000 and Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), is planned to become a comprehensive catalogue of all known species of organisms on Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalogue_of_Life |
 | Catalogue of WomenThe Catalogue of Women (Ancient Greek: Gunaikon Katalogos, Gynaikon Katalogos) -- also known as the Ehoiai (Eoiai, Ancient: [e:hoi.ai]) -- is a fragmentary Greek epic poem that was attributed to Hesiod during Archaic Greece. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalogue_of_Women |
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